
Kotor 2 hk 47 parts
Kotor 2 hk 47 parts

kotor 2 hk 47 parts

Ironically nothing has come close to the grand scale of this game for me. Chris Avellone really hit a grand slam here and ever since I have followed him and loved gaming. As of today there is a patched version on Steam and addresses many of the issues. Only thing holding it from a 10 as others have said are the bugs, ending, and cut content. Are you truly a wise/peaceful Jedi if you attempt to keep all companions happy? Are you not more like a sith using people to your advantage? This only scratches the surface of the themes. Even your companions react to you and challenge you at every turn where you have to maintain a balance and manipulate your companions with certain dialogue choices (influence) in order to make them the best they can be. Albeit far worse and with essentially 0 nuance. This is exactly what The Last Jedi attempted. Being good/jedi or evil/sith or even neutral all help bring the themes to light. It challenges what you think to be evil and good while at the same time the GAMEPLAY itself works in tandem with the themes of the story. Transcending the setting and looking at the world in a Taoistic lens. This game is a meta analysis on Star Wars itself and what the Jedi and Sith are (morality). Kreia might be the greatest video game character ever. Simply put this game will challenge your beliefs in the grandest sense of good vs evil. No game in the history besides maybe Bio shock, Prey, System Shock 2, and RDR 2 have attacked themes and played mind tricks on the players own beliefs. Now as an adult I find this game to be simply put Art. Not many games make you feel like an unstoppable Jedi/Sith. It is the pinnacle of RP game ambition before graphics, presentation and streamlined game play took over. When I first played this as a young child I thought the GAME was amazingly fun with all sorts of choices for game play dark/light, force powers, companions, choices etc.

kotor 2 hk 47 parts

Where the first one gives one of the greatest adventures in gaming KotOR 2 does something entirely different. Knights of the Old Republic 2 counts as one of those games. However some games are truly works of art and can be considered timeless. As time goes on, games seem to be cast in different lights as technology can cast old games aside as feeling "dated".

Kotor 2 hk 47 parts